How to add webchat to your website?

Webchat allows your business to add a chatbot on your website that doesn’t depend on any other platform like Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, or Google. Your customers don’t need to create an account to interact with your chatbot.

If you collect email or a phone number on the webchat, your business can send an SMS or email anytime.

Adding the code to your website

1 – Include the code below in the website’s body or footer.

<script src=""></script>
      ktt10.setup({ pageId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID});

This simple code will add a webchat similar to the below image.

Use web chat as a single page

The webchat plugin is very flexible and allows many customizations

Option NamePossible Values/DescriptionDefault
container: include the chatbot inside any HTML element
window: the chatbot will open on a new window
elementOnly used if “type” is “container”. example “#div1”
headerTitleThe title that is shown on the header of the webchatAccount Name
colorany color name or color code#007BFF
hideHeaderHide the session that contains the business name
refany ref/flow/step ID to be sent automatically
once the user clicks on the chat ICON.

Set ref as “get_started_button” to automatically
send the Welcome flow.
iconthe chat icon that shows on the bottom | right
rightDistance of the icon from the left edge of the screen20px
bottomDistance of the icon from the bottom edge of the screen20px
loadMessagesLoad past conversations with the contact when webchat is opened. true/falsetrue

If you still have any doubts, visit other articles on knowledge base or contact our support to get your doubts cleared.

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