How to setup a poll within your bot

Using a Facebook comment tool you can start a poll on Messenger with your Messenger chatbot.

Also, you can ask your users to vote and rank the poll variables. It can be useful to conduct surveys on your business audience.

To use these features follow the steps,

Select Menu on the top-left corner of the page

Go the Tools section and search for the Poll tab among many other tabs.

Click the Poll option located above the table content with an “Add Poll” button:

You will get a poll setup wizard like the image below,

In the above image,

Name – Give the name to your poll campaign in this field.

Date (Start/End) – Enter when this poll campaign will begin and also mention the end date in the respective fields.

Image URL (i) – Paste the URL of the image that you are using for this poll campaign. If you have an image on your device, upload on our platform and get the link from here.

Candidate Name – Fill the name of a poll variables, it may be a person or product or idea or choice based on your requirement.

Image URL (ii) – Paste the URL of the poll variable image in this field.

Description – Fill this field with the description of the poll variable (in individual) respectively.

If you add more poll variables for your campaign, select “Add More Candidates” option on the setup wizard.

You can configure more options on a poll setup using thMore Options” option. There you will find,

Rank – Decides the order of the flow based on your input. Let’s say if you had multiple polls and you are configuring 2nd rank for this poll while setting up, this poll will show up 3rd in the list of polls you had. Note that, it is optional.

Flow After the Vote – It is an optional feature and you can choose the flow that need to send after a subscriber voted.

After filling all these fields with required details, click the “Save” button.

That is it. This is how you have to create a poll campaign inside ChatsHero platform.

Hope this article helps you to know about “setting up a poll” in ChatsHero platform.

If you still have any doubts, visit other articles on knowledge base or contact our support to get your doubts cleared.

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